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# Coccolith dissolution experiment for the study: Gut dissolution of coccoliths by Acartia/effect on pellet sinking.
# PI: William Balch (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences)
# Co-PI: David Fields (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences)
# Contact: Meredith White (Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences)
# Dataset ID: 720670
# Version: 1
# Updated: 20171215
Time  Replicate  Algae_POC     Algae_PIC     Algae_PIC_POC  Pellets  FP_POC        FP_PIC        FP_PIC_POC    Copepods  Cope_POC      Cope_PIC      Cope_PIC_POC  
0     1          3.68119E-05   3.3056E-06    0.08979703     nd       nd            nd            nd            nd        nd            nd            nd            
0     2          5.81987E-05   3.44599E-06   0.059210735    nd       nd            nd            nd            nd        nd            nd            nd            
0     3          3.98022E-05   3.69775E-06   0.092903114    nd       nd            nd            nd            nd        nd            nd            nd            
1.3   A          5.51424E-05   3.17802E-06   0.05763295     12       0.050566659   0.002265243   0.044797161   nd        nd            nd            nd            
1.3   B          5.27268E-05   2.95695E-06   0.056080635    10       0.037414668   0.003136133   0.083820954   nd        nd            nd            nd            
1.3   C          4.54419E-05   2.89294E-06   0.063662441    15       0.02453057    0.00065064    0.02652362    nd        nd            nd            nd            
1.3   D          5.87727E-05   3.31411E-06   0.056388513    12       0.039518223   0.001797542   0.045486416   15        0.519209874   0.017097495   0.032929834   
1.3   E          5.42079E-05   2.16626E-06   0.039962064    11       0.039175407   0.001837966   0.046916323   15        0.387167833   0.010312844   0.026636623   
1.3   F          5.87898E-05   2.85744E-06   0.048604334    nd       nd            nd            nd            14        0.219910129   0.007352474   0.033433996   
2.5   A          nd            nd            nd             12       0.03428152    0.004721246   0.137719857   nd        nd            nd            nd            
2.5   B          nd            nd            nd             19       0.026729607   0.00217066    0.081208072   nd        nd            nd            nd            
2.5   C          nd            nd            nd             13       0.043137988   0.003624215   0.084014457   nd        nd            nd            nd            
6     A          nd            nd            nd             12       0.022582974   0.002633874   0.116630945   15        0.439796272   0.005395308   0.012267743   
6     B          nd            nd            nd             9        0.023655113   0.002762894   0.116799036   nd        nd            nd            nd            
6     C          nd            nd            nd             10       0.032545507   0.006398516   0.196602142   15        0.471739989   0.005135423   0.01088613